
Clive R. Haynes FRPS

Options and Alterations:
This section deals with various changes that we can make to the appearance of the 'Curves' dialogue box and other useful information.
Deleting Points along the Curve

This can be done in two ways:
1 Hold down the 'Alt' key and the 'Cancel' button in the 'Curves' dialogue box changes to 'Reset' - click on it and you return to a straight line

2 'Drag' each point off the line one by one


Draw your own 'Curves'

To make your own curve, click on the 'Pencil' icon and draw the shape in the box.
To smooth out the curve, click the 'Smooth' button. To make smoother - click again.
Should you wish to save the shape - click on 'Save' button and name it.
Changing the Size of the Curves Dialogue Box

The size of the 'Curves' dialogue box can be altered

Veraion 6:
Click on the Maximize/Minimize button top left of the 'Curves' dialogue box

Version 7:
Click on the 'size' icon at the bottom rh corner of the 'Curves' dialogue bos (see red arrow below). To change back - click once again.

More Lines in the Grid
To increase the number of lines that make up the grid within the 'Curves' dialogue box, 'Alt' - 'Click' inside the grid area.
Finer lines allow more accurate settings.
To swap back - 'Alt' - 'Click' again.
Above: The 'normal' grid pattern
Above: The 'fine' grid pattern
The combination of a larger box and a finer 'grid' enables more 'ponts' to be added to the line giving greater and more targeted control.
This completes our journey through the 'Wonders of Curves'
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